Well, It’s About Time!

1:30pm – Fresh off the set, grabbed the food from studio producer Jared Boshnack in the control room, and Jack and I hustled downstairs to my office to catch the start of the game…we went Asian for lunch…Jack went with green salad and Edamame…Bosh with Hot and Sour soup and calamari salad…and I had Hot and Sour soup and Edamame.  Jack and I started with the Edamame and we ate it like somebody was about to steal it from us!  And for dessert?  Well, after Miggy’s 2-run HR off Hughes, how about a Yankees’ comeback?  Revenge, a dish best served COLD.


Like a phoenix rising from the ashes…OR…a lazy, fat guy getting off the sofa for a beer…



OK, so for whatever reason…I forgot my Login ID and password, or I got stung by a bee, or I was comatose on chocolate…I didn’t do a whole lotta Blobbin’ last year.  Well, this is 2011, doggone it!  Which in no way is a concrete promise that I’ll be actively blobbing every minute of the day, but you can bet your sweet bippy I’ll be doing more of it this season than last.


So, in honor of Larry King throwing out the first pitch last night at the Nationals’ game…(Hello Dayton, you’re on!)…Here are musings of what a brand new season means to me, Larry King-style from his old column in USA Today…


What time do I have to leave the house?…How did the candy bowls on my table get cleaned out if I wasn’t even here…Dang, gotta shave 7 days a week again…Haven’t tried Aqua Net, hear good things about it…Jack Curry’s tie knot looks better than mine…Just saw Sherlock Holmes on cable, LOVE Downey Jr…hmm, these slacks fit me last season… what’s Kim Jones’ cel number again?…bagels in the kitchen at studio, nothing better… Another tattoo might just be the ticket to getting AJ back on track…Texting?  What happened to people talking…Chicken, Broccoli, Rice from Sergio’s, yum…Tex went easier on the weights this off-season, so did I…need to get an oil change…someone once told me ya don’t put ketchup on a hot dog…well, I don’t wanna live in that world…Press Box food, is it expensable?…Did someone take off my desk or am I losing my mind?

There ya go, just a sampling of what’s to come…up to the set for the pregame with Curry and Jones!


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